Install Microsoft Redistributable FrameWork

 Install Microsoft Redistributable FrameWork If you are using Windows 10 or 11 they come with pre-installed Microsoft redistributable framework, so below step to install is not necessary.                                          1. Install Microsoft Redistributable FrameWorkDownload and install Microsoft […]

Install Latest .Net FrameWork

Install Latest .Net Frame Work If you are using Windows 10 or 11 they come with pre-installed .net framework, so below step to install is not necessary.                                          1. Install .Net FrameWorkDownload and install .NET Framework […]

How to Disable the Anti-Virus & Windows FireWall

How to Disable the Anti-Virus & Windows FireWall This video series will show the pre-installation steps for the Wordd Cloudz software.In this video we will discuss why we need to disable the anti-virus & firewall temporarily. 1. Software Tools Do Not Contain Any VirusOur software tools are programmed to work natively in:  – Our software tools […]

Pre-Installation Steps

Pre-Installation Introduction and Steps For Demo Software This video series will show the pre- installation steps for the Wordd Cloudz software.However All software tools from Mad Hat Marketing follows similar installation, licensing & troubleshooting Steps. 1. System RequirementsOur software tools are programmed to work natively in:  – Windows 7 & up versions – Windows Emulator / VPS […]