“Hack” Your Way To A Full Time PASSIVE
INCOME Publishing Puzzle Books
On Amazon KDP…
CLICK the Buy Button Below!
Regular Price $97 You SAVE $50
“If You Have Been Waiting for a Real,
NO GIMMICK Passive Online
Income Opportunity…

Then you should seriously consider consider publishing puzzle books on Amazon KDP.
This is a sustainable business model based off of a platform created by one of the biggest eCommerce companies there is.
Many regular people are making day job crushing income from the KDP platform and there is no reason why you cannot.
Puzzle Books Are Making Regular
People Thousands Of Dollars
Every Single Month!
See Some Of These Books Selling On
Amazon KDP Right Now…

Yep...And You Can Make a Comfortable
Full Time Living By Publishing Puzzle
Books on Amazon KDP!
The process is simple…

It’s Simple, But The Challenge
is it's
There are 3 options that you have really when it comes to puzzle book creation for Amazon KDP
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Create the puzzles yourself
Now while this looks theoretically possible, take it from a published author who makes a living doing this…it will take you days to create the puzzles for a single book.
That would make your business unsustainable
![202 [Converted]](https://www.madhatmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/202-Converted.png)
Use online puzzle creation app
I see people using online apps to create puzzles all the time for KDP use whereas the terms of those webapps clearly state it’s not for commercial use.
This is a big NO, as it’s not worth risking your business for this.
![202 [Converted]](https://www.madhatmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/202-Converted.png)
Create the puzzles yourself
Now while this looks theoretically possible, take it from a published author who makes a living doing this…it will take you days to create the puzzles for a single book.
That would make your business unsustainable
I Was in Your EXACT Situation
a Couple Years Ago!
Over the years, having gone through the grind I knew that there had to be a better way of making a consistent full time income on Amazon KDP.
That’s when I decided to get a software created that would help me create the puzzles to be used in my book.
And there is nobody I trust more than my long time friend BP Mishra when it comes to creating KICKA*S software for my marketing company.
Bings, comes with years of programming experience in the Silicon Valley.
![202 [Converted]](https://www.madhatmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/202-Converted.png)
His own success with online marketing pushed him to QUIT his very stable and high paying software engineer job at NETFLIX!
And when he agreed to take on the responsibility of the software development, that’s when I knew that my business was about to EXPLODE!
My team has been using this tool for quite some time now in our own publishing business and for the first time ever we are letting in a few like minded KDP publishers to make the most of this opportunity.
Enter your text here...
Instant Puzzle Generator
Instant puzzle generator helps you create puzzle books in 4 simple steps.
![202 [Converted]](https://www.madhatmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/202-Converted.png)
Step #1 Login To
Your Account
Login to your cloud based account from anywhere in the world!
![202 [Converted]](https://www.madhatmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/202-Converted.png)
Step #1 Login To
Your Account
Login to your cloud based account from anywhere in the world!
![202 [Converted]](https://www.madhatmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/202-Converted.png)
Step #1 Login To
Your Account
Login to your cloud based account from anywhere in the world!
What Makes Instant Puzzle
Generator DIFFERENT?
Instant puzzle generator was created by me for my own publishing business.
After having used it for months together and improving it, we have decided to open it up for our customers so that a select group of action takers can take advantage of the KDP success monster we have built.
Just check out some of the cool features below…

Customize Title & Description
You have 100% control over your titles and descriptions. Customize them at will.

Customize Title & Description
You have 100% control over your titles and descriptions. Customize them at will.

Detailed Training
You have 100% control over your titles and descriptions. Customize them at will.

Download Individual Puzzles
Or Whole Books
Download either an individual puzzle or an entire book of multiple pages...it’s your choice!
Use the global edit settings to download a complete books in just one click. In this front end offer you can download the files in PNG, JPG and PDF format.
Use the local edit settings to download individual puzzle images. You can download these in PNG, JPG, PDF and even PPTX format in the front end offer.

Detailed Training
We are paranoid about our customer support. We have got a manned helpdesk and a community of publishers in the form of a fb group to help you get unstuck.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ad eius delectus 33 adipisci maxime sed dolorum voluptatem. Aut quasi repudiandae id magni nihil aut dolorem consectetur. Ex maiores placeat eum quia incidunt et necessitatibus officiis est facilis autem. Et dolores dolorem et dolorem laboriosam qui exercitationem facere.

Digital Marketer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ad eius delectus 33 adipisci maxime sed dolorum voluptatem. Aut quasi repudiandae id magni nihil aut dolorem consectetur. Ex maiores placeat eum quia incidunt et necessitatibus officiis est facilis autem. Et dolores dolorem et dolorem laboriosam qui exercitationem facere.

Digital Marketer
This tool is perfect for:
Kindle Publishers
If you are publishing books for kindle like short reads, singles, eBooks, nonfiction singles.
Book Publishers
If you are publishing paperback, hardcover fiction & non-fiction paid books.
Audible Publishers
If you are publishing audible audio books.
Low Content Publishers
If you are publishing low content books like picture books for children or calendars.
Research 100's of Books from Categories of Amazon Best-Sellers
Here's how it works :
Choose the category
Select the book format either kindle or book. Within seconds you'll be harvesting results from a list of over
36 categories.

Filter The Harvested Results
Get blazing-fast filters. With just one-click you can instantly filter the results based on various criteria.
Create a word cloud
Create stunning word cloud based on the most frequently occurring words from the titles.

CatZon is Easy To Use
You'll Cut Down On Your Research Time
No Need For Incognito Windows
No need to hide your browser history by searching using incognito windows.
No Need For Chrome Extensions
No need to bother with annoying chrome extensions that other tools ask you to install.
No Need To Switch Account
There is no need to sign out of amazon accounts as a new browser is installed.
Studying The Competition (reverse-engineering), is the key to get your own books ranked
Future-proof your business by not trying to re-invent the wheel.
For years, many authors have failed in the quest to write the next blockbuster.
Forget about the book getting published ; many of them have plenty of good ideas that don't see the light of the day.
But authors are not marketers.
They want to write a book that can make them rich & famous overnight. They are driven more by the glamour and they fail to see it as a business.
And as a result, when they don't see results that they hang up their boots and quit the publishing world.
So, why am I saying all this?

You don't need to try to be the next Stephen King!
Because if you see the number of books being self-published today compared to a decade ago; you will notice that the publishing industry has undergone a big change.
Today just about anyone with just a internet or laptop can publish a book right from the comfort of their homes!
But it all starts by researching what's working and what is not. This is where tools like catzon can help!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ad eius delectus 33 adipisci maxime sed dolorum voluptatem. Aut quasi repudiandae id magni nihil aut dolorem consectetur. Ex maiores placeat eum quia incidunt et necessitatibus officiis est facilis autem. Et dolores dolorem et dolorem laboriosam qui exercitationem facere.

Digital Marketer
How to Create Stunning Word Clouds And Analyze Text For Free Using Wordd Cloudz?
Get access to our Free "word cloud" software, that lets you create stunning word clouds and also export the word frequency related data.

Using This Software:
This free bonus itself is worth alone the entire price of the software.
By using this word cloud software you'll be able to find the most occurring words from large lines of text easily.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ad eius delectus 33 adipisci maxime sed dolorum voluptatem. Aut quasi repudiandae id magni nihil aut dolorem consectetur. Ex maiores placeat eum quia incidunt et necessitatibus officiis est facilis autem. Et dolores dolorem et dolorem laboriosam qui exercitationem facere.

Digital Marketer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ad eius delectus 33 adipisci maxime sed dolorum voluptatem. Aut quasi repudiandae id magni nihil aut dolorem consectetur. Ex maiores placeat eum quia incidunt et necessitatibus officiis est facilis autem. Et dolores dolorem et dolorem laboriosam qui exercitationem facere.

Digital Marketer
Let CatZon help you run more profitable campaigns for 30 days risk-free.
Your purchase is protected by a "no nonsense" guarantee.
If you decide to get CatZon Pro or Lite today you'll have 30 days to put it to use and do better and faster research for your books.
In the unlikely event it doesn't meet your expectations, we'll just refund your full purchase amount - no questions asked.
And, even better, you can still keep access to the free bonus word cloud software.
It's as simple and straight-forward as that.
With a lifetime license, CatZon pays for itself multiple times over.
Because researching categories will help you create profitable books

Yes, you get all future software updates
... and answers to other questions
No. This is a desktop windows based application that needs to be installed in your computer. You can see video walk through of how to install & run the software in the knowledge base.
We have given a complete walk through of the workflow of how to access your purchase, install & activate the license in the help section. You can watch those videos & follow it step-by-step. Even after following those steps you face problem in starting the software you can reach out to our customer support any time at support@madhatmarketing.com
The software will work on windows only. However; if you wish to use on mac we have provided both a free and paid solution which you can see in the help section.
After you make the purchase and follow the steps on how to access your purchase from the help section, you will be automatically enrolled in the course from a secured login in the site.
The software gets all data from amazon. If there are any updates from amazon due to which the software malfunctions and is not harvesting the results then the software will be updated . Those updates will be pushed to your installed software for free automatically without having to re-install the software. Check in the help section on how updates work. Also when more categories are added to the software you will get those updates also for free
Unlike web app we are not using any external database. All of your data is saved in your own computer and that is the biggest advantage of a desktop app.
You have two license options to select from. With the lite license option you can install the software on 1 computer that you own including a Windows or VPS (Virtual Private Server) such as AWS or a VM (Virtual Machine) such as oracle virtual box or for mac using mac parallels.
With the Pro license option you can install the software on 3 computers that you own including a Windows or VPS (Virtual Private Server) such as AWS or a VM (Virtual Machine) such as oracle virtual box or for mac using mac parallels.
Yes, absolutely. You have a full 30 days to try the software, and if you are not satisfied in any way, contact us here and our team will refund your payment right away.
Contact us at help section with any pre-sales question. You will surely get a reply.
Within the next 24 hours you could already start researching ideas for your next book
Harvest data for categories, filter the results and see results fast.
Categories are the sections of the Amazon site where customers can find your book. Think of browse categories like the sections of a physical bookstore (fiction, history, and so on).
People click on the categories to find books and not just search in the search bar. So this is another reason not to overlook it.
So,now that you know enough would you like to research the top 100 best sellers so that you can rank your books faster and get a better ROI for your time?
While at the same time cutting back the time spent on researching books?
And do you want to see results fast?
If you decide to test drive Catzon you'll have instant access to research the most popular books getting the most sales.
Within the next 60 minutes you could be on your way to get ideas to plan your next book, so you can start focus on writing your book from the comfort of your home or while watching the sea within a day from now.
This site is not a part of the Facebook,Amazon,YouTube website or Google. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook or Google in any way.
All results stated on our website are not typical, and do not imply you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Any of our results or the results of our users are only estimates of what is possible. Results of our users are based on many factors including luck and effort. We have no way of knowing how well you will do, as we do not know you, your background, your business model, work ethic etc.
Copyright © 2023 MadHatMarketing LLC, all rights reserved.