Create Puzzle Books 10X Faster With
100% Done For You List of 10,000+
Words in 100+ Categories
We Have Done All The Hard Work, All You
Need To Do Is PROFIT From It!At The !
CLICK the Buy Button Below!
Regular Price $97 You SAVE $50
You have made a great decision by investing in Instant Puzzle Generator!
You have got the exact same tool that I use in my business to create a small low content publishing passive income empire for myself.
However, there is one thing you still need to do to create high quality puzzle books.
You Need Words To Feed The BEST
Puzzle Creation App That
You Just Purchased!

You need to research theme based words so that you can feed the beast of a tool you now have in your disposal.
Trust me that can take up a lot of time.
And if you know the Amazon KDP model then you know that you need to publish a lot of books on the platform so that each one of those books can earn you a few bucks per month, eventually adding up to a nice passive income.
For that to happen you need…
A LOT of your TIME!
What If You Could SAVE $500
Worth of Your Time...
and Just Had Someone Do The
Words Research For You?
![202 [Converted]](https://www.madhatmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/202-Converted.png)
Let’s just assume that you spend a very conservative 50 hours putting together a list of 10,000 words.
Now making a very conservative estimate of the value of your time being $10 per hour, that’s $500 worth of your time spent on collecting the 10,000 words.
That’s the time you could have spent ON your business rather spending it IN your business!
Well, I have got you covered…
Instant Puzzle Generator
DFY Wordlists - 10,000
Instant Puzzle Generator DFY Wordlists is a set of done for you words neatly organized into various categories that you can start using in your business in minutes from now
You Get 10,000 DFY words to load up to your Instant Puzzle Generator app and start churning out high quality books in no time at all.
CLICK the Buy Button Below!
Regular Price $97 You SAVE $50
Value of This Product…
Launch Discount Ends In
Can't Wait To Have You Onboard...
P:S We have been having so much success utilizing these pro upgrades in our business, that we wanted to make it available to you for a LOW ONE TIME PRICE. This is your OPPORTUNITY to speed your puzzle book creation process.
P:P:S The current low one time price could change any moment to a monthly subscription price. Do not wait only to miss out on this offer. $47 one time investment gets you all these premium features.
P:P:P:S This current low price is available only for an extremely limited launch special period. We have some serious plans of converting this application into a monthly recurring subscription once the launch offer ends.
Click the button below to get Instant Puzzle Generator PRO For $147
$97 $67 $47 ONLY!
CLICK the Buy Button Below!
Regular Price $97 You SAVE $50
Let CatZon help you run more profitable campaigns for 30 days risk-free.
Your purchase is protected by a "no nonsense" guarantee.
If you decide to get CatZon Pro or Lite today you'll have 30 days to put it to use and do better and faster research for your books.
In the unlikely event it doesn't meet your expectations, we'll just refund your full purchase amount - no questions asked.
And, even better, you can still keep access to the free bonus word cloud software.
It's as simple and straight-forward as that.
Yes, you get all future software updates
... and answers to other questions
No. This is a desktop windows based application that needs to be installed in your computer. You can see video walk through of how to install & run the software in the knowledge base.
We have given a complete walk through of the workflow of how to access your purchase, install & activate the license in the help section. You can watch those videos & follow it step-by-step. Even after following those steps you face problem in starting the software you can reach out to our customer support any time at support@madhatmarketing.com
The software will work on windows only. However; if you wish to use on mac we have provided both a free and paid solution which you can see in the help section.
After you make the purchase and follow the steps on how to access your purchase from the help section, you will be automatically enrolled in the course from a secured login in the site.
The software gets all data from amazon. If there are any updates from amazon due to which the software malfunctions and is not harvesting the results then the software will be updated . Those updates will be pushed to your installed software for free automatically without having to re-install the software. Check in the help section on how updates work. Also when more categories are added to the software you will get those updates also for free
Unlike web app we are not using any external database. All of your data is saved in your own computer and that is the biggest advantage of a desktop app.
You have two license options to select from. With the lite license option you can install the software on 1 computer that you own including a Windows or VPS (Virtual Private Server) such as AWS or a VM (Virtual Machine) such as oracle virtual box or for mac using mac parallels.
With the Pro license option you can install the software on 3 computers that you own including a Windows or VPS (Virtual Private Server) such as AWS or a VM (Virtual Machine) such as oracle virtual box or for mac using mac parallels.
Yes, absolutely. You have a full 30 days to try the software, and if you are not satisfied in any way, contact us here and our team will refund your payment right away.
Contact us at help section with any pre-sales question. You will surely get a reply.