How to Disable the Anti-Virus & Windows FireWall

This video series will show the pre-installation steps for the Wordd Cloudz software.
In this video we will discuss why we need to disable the anti-virus & firewall temporarily.
1. Software Tools Do Not Contain Any Virus

Our software tools are programmed to work natively in:
- Our software tools do not contain any malware or virus, but most anti-virus software tools will trigger
false alerts due to which our software tools get mistakenly flagged as a virus.
- This is a common problem in the industry for desktop based apps for smaller vendors for which I am also adding a reference article at the end of the blog post for further reading. (although it is not something that you have to know in more detail).
2. Your System Will Not Be Affected

Your system will not be infected or slow down:
- It is a case of False positives (false alerts) where harmless files or URLs that are incorrectly identified as malicious by the antivirus program and they tend to quarantine , delete or block the application.
- This in turn will prevent the software from installing! The software will get stuck on "loading" as it will not be able to download the support files from our server to your computer.
3. The Solution

Your system will not be infected or slow down:
- Solution is to Disable all the Anti-Virus Options & Firewall Temporarily.
- Once The Software Gets Installed We Can Add An Exclusion For The Software which i will be showing in one of the later videos.
4. Disable Anti-Virus Steps

The steps to disable the anti-virus options may vary but in this post i will be showing you how to disable anti-virus protection settings for the windows bit defender software:-
A. Virus & Threat Protection Settings

In the virus & threat protection settings turn the toggle to "off" for :
- 1Real-time protection
- 2Cloud-delivered protection
- 3Automatic sample submission
- 4Tamper protection
- 5Controlled folder access
B. Firewall & Network Protection Settings

In the firewall & network protection settings turn the toggle to "off" for :
- 1Domain network
- 2Private network
- 3Public network
C. App & Browser Control Settings

In the app & browser control settings (inside the reputation based settings) turn the toggle to "off" for :
- 1Check apps and files
- 2Smart screen for unwanted edge
- 3Potentially unwanted app blocking
- 4Smart screen for Microsoft store apps
5. Video Walk Through